I was tagged by Barb and Cynthia so I guess I'd better do this:)
Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know he or she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
**Random Facts About Me**
1. I started smoking in elementary school - ew! I then quit for good about 20 years ago.
2. I always wanted to be a schoolteacher when I was a young girl - I even made my own workbooks.
3. I want to own a dog but I'm too scared to commit!
4. I'm hyper-sensitive to caffeine. A cup of coffee first thing in the morning could very well mean no sleeping that night - unless I'm on holidays which for some reason seems to exempt me.
5. I was "Farrah" in our Charlie's Angel trio in high school. I never did get that flip quite right tho'.
6. I met Whoopi Goldberg. I know I put this in my last meme but couldn't find the pic so here ya go...I'm tagging Tamara , Denise and Carol. I also still owe K8 the Gr8 a meme which I'd totally forgotten about. Oops, I'll get right on that:)
1 comment:
I did it. My facts are up. That's a great shot of you and Whoopi!
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