Thursday, September 11, 2008

Things I Love...Happy Love Thursday!

  1. fresh cut flowers
  2. clean, fresh sheets off the clothesline
  3. watching people meet up or say good-bye at airports
  4. the satisfied feeling after a run or a long walk in the fresh air
  5. the smell of dirt in the summer
  6. my mom's home-made buns and borscht
  7. shoes, shoes, shoes
  8. sailing with my george on a sunny afternoon (and napping on the boat when we're done)
  9. giggle-y days
  10. talking "like we have company" (I'm stealing that one from my grandma)
  11. new magazines (a bit of an addiction)
  12. those quiet moments when you realize how noisy your life gets
  13. hearing stories about love and compassion (it renews my faith in humankind)
  14. soweto gospel choir (how can you not be blown over by this powerful music?!)

What do you Love??? I'd love to know...


Ms.Barbara Jane said...

I love boots and sunny days and you. But not necessarily in that order.

bodalorna said...

Awww thanks Barbie! I love your boots too:)

Way Out Wear said...

Well I've been a long time magazine-aholic, and I have 300+ pairs of shoes, and then I loves dogs (but I only have one) and fresh flowers (but I don't get them nearly enough), and my mum's homemade soup (but she lives in Alberta)..... what does "talking like we have company" mean? I think I understand, but I'm not sure.

bodalorna said...

I think sometimes we get into a rut, eating our dinners in front of the tv and not spending the time or paying the attention to having those great conversations like you might when you have guests visiting. My grandma told me that this is what she misses most about my grandpa..."talking like we have company" Does that make more sense?