I used my RBC Avion points to get my own 80 gb ipod and it's so awesome! It's got more memory than our computer! I've already downloaded all of my pix onto it and I've only just begun to download songs. Since my George got his ipod, I've been out of the music loop (we got rid of the cd player when he downloaded all of our music) so if he's out of the house, so is the music. NOW...I'll have music of my very own. New worlds to discover. I don't even know where to start although I will tell you I've just discovered a British singer called
Adele that I highly recommend! Gives Amy Winehouse a sober run for her money. Gotta go play with my new toy...
yay for ipods!! i like adele too- and duffy is great if you've ever heard her stuff- I like to go on itunes and check thru the british site for new stuff, there's loads of goodies on there!! :))
Mine got left on the truck :0(
Yes, I like Duffy too. Great idea to check the british site tho'. We just had some brit friends here who gave us the heads up on a few talents to check out.
...I'm sorry Barbie!
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