Got your attention, huh?
Well...I'm not a very aggressive or even assertive person so on the odd occasion when I decide to speak up about something, I've found that it often kicks me in the ass. The other day I was sitting in the car talking biz on my cellphone when I saw a women letting her little pooch have his poop on the neighbourhood lawn and then walk away. I promptly interupted my phone conversation to yell out the window, "excuse me, excuse me! your dog just pooped!" The woman looked at me like I was something her dog had just rid himself of and yelled back that she was just going back to her car to get a bag to clean it up. I felt like such a shmuck! Who knows if she was telling the truth or was just getting the bag because she was caught in the act but I shrunk down in my seat until she was well out of our neighbourhood. The whole dog pooping thing just really makes me mad! If you don't want to pick up after your dog, don't get a dog. Get a cat or a bird or do as we do - don't take on any type of pooping being. OK, I feel better now. Carry on...
1 week ago
Good for you Lorna, especially if you shamed her into it. You can bet that she won't be doing that again, or at least be so conspicuous about it.
Thanks on behalf of all neighbourhood lawn owners.
Oops I deleted my post because of a spelling error :0)
There is WAY too much dog poop around this neighbourhood. Obviously not everybody is cleaning up after their shit factories.
I have a large dog who always waits for the most crowded place and deposits his opinion right there in front of them. He has no shame at all. I don't carry plastic bags around because there are never any bins around and I'm damned if I'm carrying a bag of poo in my pocket for the duration of a walk!!!
I'll always find a stick or large leaf or something and relocate the dump to a less obvious spot.. under a bush or in the undergrowth or somewhere. It's good for plants, not my pocket!
ha ha - of course my dog pooping story has elicited the most comments. Now I know:) Thanks tho'.
K8, at least you're trying to be considerate. We live in the middle of a pretty big city and you'd be surprised how many times people let their dogs poop right in the middle of a sidewalk without cleaning it up. EW! Did I mention it makes me mad???
augh!! we're finding people let their dogs run around early in the morning around here and poo anywhere they want- we often have piles on our lawn. bastards! i love dogs, the owners just have to clean up after them. if i had one I would.
I agree. And don't fake it either. The other day I was walking my dog (with a fanny pack full of bags) and I see this big dog drop several yucky big ones on the street, so I watch the owner has he checks the pockets of his shorts about 3 times... most likely because I was watching, but when he thought I wasn't watching he just continued to walk!
I walk my dog every day and sometimes have 3 bags of waste, it disgusts me to see how much is on the road, who are these people? People like you and I have seen (and more)... sadly. It just makes people hate dogs and their owners.
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