I had a day a couple of weeks ago that felt perfectly right. It was a Monday and I stayed in my pajamas most of the day - working on the computer. I didn't have any of those niggly feelings that I usually have, telling me that I should be somewhere else, I should be doing something else. Having that day really showed me how rare that feeling is for me. How seldom I can just BE in the moment without worrying, wondering, stressing, fretting, apologising. I want that feeling more. I believe part of that is just letting go of expectation - mine and others', and really trusting my own senses, needs, wants. It was just about a year ago that I took off for one night to a B&B in Gibsons. I struggled throughout those days to know what it was I wanted to do, feel, experience. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time and enjoyed the not knowing, connecting to myself in that way. It was also during that trip that I dreamed the dream of living here. I remember walking along the beach (which is now the beach that is at the bottom of our hill), wondering what it would be like to have access to that place on a regular basis. How would it feel to live in Gibsons?
Well...I'll tell you, it's pretty great! There has not been one moment of regret or doubt. Every part of my being says, this is where you are meant to be, right now. I believe G feels the same way too. One more example of opening up to the universe and asking.
Life is good!
6 days ago
I love that stone!
Congratulations for allowing the universe to provide for you. You are an inspiration!
Full body goose bumps as I read this little piece of inspiration! I too, have had the pleasure of twice visiting what I have nicknamed Sunshine Island! My thoughts return to those blissful moments time and again and I often think that I should buy a place there with friends. Why not?
Can't think if a single reason.
Plus, now I can visit a relative of Melissa's while I'm at it! See you soon Lorna...
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