You know how, in life, when you're on the right track, things just flow? It seems moving to Gibsons is one of those things. Things have been just falling into place quite naturally and sometimes quite surprisingly. For example...We had learned that there would be quite a long wait to get our sailboat over here as all of the marinas are full up and there are wait lists. We had decided that we were going to bring our boat over to Secret Cove (the only place that had a spot available. very pretty BUT is over 40 minutes drive away) and wait there to get in closer to town. Last weekend we went to Gibsons Marina to see if they would even take our name on the waitlist (they'd refused before Christmas) and they did but assured us that we would not get in this year. The next day, the woman that I'd spoken to called to say a spot had just come available at another marina - only 10 minutes away from our house! We can move over as early as March 1st! Now we just have to wait for a calm day. Only one example - but one that increases our quality of life in a huge way! Yay:) Happy Friday to you!
That is so cool! May your good fortune continue!
Very cool!! What a wonderful move for you guys- & you will have a great sailing summer for sure! (I must pass along my friend Kim's info to you- she lives in Gibsons & she & her husband have a boat & sail a lot too..!)
Happy weekend!!
Yes Cynth! Please pass her name along - I don't really know anyone over here.
Cool, I just emailed to your bodacious gmail address to both of you- I hope you guys can all meet up!! I think you met Kim once a long time ago at the store as well.... :))
My husband also have this painting "Evita Puyet". He says she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.She hang's in the Basement, which is his Man Cave. A friend of his gave it to him around 15 years ago, and your right , her eye's follow you wherever you go. A lot of people think it is creepy, but she is beautiful. I have always wondered what the value is of this beautiful painting, but can't find out anything.If anyone know's please post, would love to know just because , but to my husband " She's Priceless".
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