First and foremost - these frogs were calling my name!
I thought they were pretty cute so asked "how much?" and the funky vendor fella said "take the whole batch for $1"! Can't tell you how excited I was to be the proud owner of 15 mini frogs on wires! They are each only about 1" in length so I thought that I could tuck them into the plants that I plan on filling our home with. Humour me here...
Next, I added two matching teacups to my new teacup collection. I absolutely love the colours and how delicate they are...I also think they fit in perfectly with the others on my window sil. Teacup collection - complete!
I also picked up a bag of Jerusalem Artichokes (sunroots)
which I'd never tried before. They have the texture of radish but with a much milder, sweeter flavour.
Also...a flour sifter for $1, a bag of "korean purple" garlic and a dogwood tree - a gift from my mil. Pretty fun -
Saturday was such a beautiful day with amazing views of the water - impressed the hell out of the in-laws. I think they feel better about us being a bit further away now.
Can't believe it snowed yesterday! C.R.A.Z.Y.
How was your weekend?
Ooooh cool! I love your teacups on the window sill! And the lil froggies and goodies you found- very fun!!
What a wonderful blog post. The frogs are adorable and the tea cups are gorgeous. So nice you enjoying your island life - very nice, very nice.
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