I've been watching the news a little more than usual lately and I'm just wondering - do I need to know all the bad things that are going on in the world? Is there any benefit to hearing about the horrible things that are happening to innocent and not-so-innocent people? Probably the answer is yes and no. I think it is important to have compassion and provide assistance to others and how would we do that without knowing what their needs are? But what about all the shootings happening this past month in Vancouver and the lower mainland. How can knowing about that benefit me other than to know what areas to avoid? The Langley IGA?!? That's a pretty normal, regular place for normal, regular people to shop, isn't it? Will my IGA be next? I know, lots of question marks today and I'm actually feeling pretty positive - just having these thoughts that I thought I'd share with you. So on to more positive thoughts...
I'm looking forward to sharing 'heart' day tomorrow with my beloved. No specific plans, probably a drive to parts unknown and a yummy home-made dinner with wine shared at the end of the day.
How about you? I wish you a day/week/life filled with love shared!
For the past month or so, I haven't been reading the papers or watching the news as much as I used to be because of all the negativity. I check in about once a week and I think we don't really have to know - especially 11 shootings in 9 days. Hideous.
My sweetie and I will stay out of restaurants tomorrow but sort of have a picnic lunch planned, and that's all good for me!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
I go back and forth with watching the news. SM and I have started watching the Global International world news. It feels a lot different than local and even regular National News. It shows much more graphic images of death and distruction than anything I have ever seen on the other news channels. I have a hard time watching, especially when I'm eating dinner. It hurts my heart yet it feels important to know. I give myself a break from the news from time to time. It keeps me sane.
Oh ya, I already told you what I had in mind for V-day. snicker.
I bought the cutest little cake at the grocery store. Check my blog.
I've been watching the news and the doom and glom with the economy, the recent shootings and all in the lower mainland, & the one guy they interviewed who said "it's a sh*tty world out there", man.... it's tough out there these days.
I decided tho' for myself I'm not going to stop living my life or worry about who's next, and keep moving forward and try to think it's still a good world, I just have to make my own world good at least.
But I do feel very sad for those who have lost loved ones in all this recent gang stuff, it's just awful.
And vday, well probably a homemade dinner, play with the puppy and get outside for some sunshine!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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