Well...I couldn't not write anything for Christmas. I've been a bit preoccupied and also left my computer charger in Victoria so no pix as I'm using G's work computer. (at the time we thought we'd be back there within a coupla days so it wasn't a biggie) But...We're pretty much snowed in here on Walden Street. It sure is beautiful. I believe this is a record snowfall - most snow E.V.E.R.!!! The day has been filled with shoveling, pushing cars out of the snow, visiting neighbours, packing up the kitchen of all non-essentials and now - waiting for the roasting chicken and sweet potatoes to be ready so we can eat.
I feel very blessed in my life - good food, good friends, warm home, a life filled with love! I wish all good things for you and yours as we end this year and begin a new one. Merry Christmas, warmest wishes, my friends!
5 days ago