We had a call from G's mom two nights ago to tell us that our old friend, Sanjay Ablak, had been killed in Victoria. He was 42 years old and the father of two. About 19 years ago, George and Sanjay went off to India with several of their Indian friends. Some of them had gone to get married and George attended several weddings during his 6 month stay. Sanjay did not marry during that trip but did spend much of his time hosting George in his home country. I've heard so many great stories about that trip that I feel like I was there. Sanjay eventually married my very good friend and had a son - who is now 15. Unfortunately, that relationship did not last. He has since remarried and has a young daughter. We hadn't seen Sanjay in several years (it was harder to keep in touch after moving to Vancouver) but his presence was always felt and now the memories are flooding in.
Sanjay was an integral part of G & I's courtship. He was there on the night we officially decided to become a couple. He danced with us (Indian style) in my living room late into the night and taught me the moves. He helped decorate my Christmas tree - while sitting on George's shoulders - in my studio apartment on Moss Street. He covered his ears when he bowled which made us all laugh hysterically!
There seems to be a lot of questions surrounding his death and I'm sure that will get settled in time. The overwhelming factor tho', is that Sanjay was well loved - and isn't that the most important thing? We all struggle in this life and some have more demons to conquer than others but - hopefully - we leave behind some goodness. Whether that's through our children, our relationships or the people we've affected along the way. Rest in Peace, Sanjay Ablak. You will be missed!
6 days ago
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
Lorna. I am so very sorry to hear that you have lost such a dear friend. I hope that he is at peace and that you and George can find comfort with the passage of time and good memories. Take care, Rizwana
Oh no! Lorna, that is just terrible. May your memories comfort you.
Hi Lorna, you don't know me, but I was a friend of Sanjay's from years ago. I remember that trip to India, and when he started dating your friend. I just received news of this tragic loss and googled to find more info - thus, coming across your blog. Thank you for sharing your memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you, his friends and family.
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