Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Shoes and some other stuff!
We've been referring people to "Forever Yours" lingerie in Langley for years but had never actually checked it out in person so off we went. It was fun and painful at the same time. I was measured and fit for a bra which I haven't done in a few years so there was a bit of nudging, prodding and convincing that I was indeed 'that' size. I did end up with a pretty new and somewhat uplifting number as well as a couple of matching top and panty sets. So I guess I spent my $100 on new shoes and lingerie.
We ended the day having dinner at Sideshows in White Rock - the only restaurant on the water side of the road - amazing views!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Climate Action Dividend
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, Monday...
We had a fantastic weekend on and around the boat. Saturday we just hung out there and fixed up a few things. It had been a few weeks since we'd been out and we wanted to get it into shipshape (I can use that expression for real now!) before my nephew and sister-in-law came on with us yesterday. They were our first official guests on the boat (meaning we actually left the dock) and it all went very well. My nephew Ryan is pretty fearless so the only challenge was to keep him out of the water. Everyone had a job to do (our boat is too small to just have people lounging around watching the scenery) which worked out great. We had to be very careful of the tides as we can't get back into our slip at a very low tide so all was timed out perfectly. We ended up being out on the water from 10am-1pm. Sue and Ryan left promptly after docking so George and I did our clean-up which takes about 45 minutes and then enjoyed the rest of the aft. just relaxing/snoozing/snacking/snooping at other boaters...

My captain!
We didn't get home until after 6 - just in time for George to bbq up some delicious buffalo burgers! Yum.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Happy First Day of Summer!

I went to see Sex and the City with George (who played the part of my gay boyfriend nicely - except for the gay part - haha). I loved the whole experience!!! It's been so long since I've been to a movie at the theatre, I just took it all in. Popcorn - check, monster-size pop - check, m&m's - check, centre seats, big screen, massive speaker system. The movie was nice - I loved the crazy and sometimes over-the-top fashion, friendship dialogue, gal travel to Mexico, and the sensitive and funny bits that made me laugh and cry. There were a couple of particulary funny scenes at the hotel in Mexico where I surprised myself by how loud I laughed but I won't give them away in case you haven't seen the movie yet. I'd definitely go again with some girlfriends just to be able to talk more about the fashion and enjoy the heavy focus on female friendships. And also to get another look at all of Carrie Bradshaw's shoes! I give it two well-manicured thumbs up.
After the movie - we decided to go and check out the new Burgoo restaurant on Main and it was really great. If you haven't already experienced Burgoo at one of the their other locations on West 10th or North Van, you'll need to check them out. It was only their second night open and they were very busy. We ended up sitting at the bar which I love (always a great opportunity to chat with the bartender!) Here's what we had...

George had this loverly dish called Zarzuela - a spanish seafood, tomato and saffron dish topped with ground almonds.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Love Thursday!

My day is an open book...

I got these beautiful peonies from my friend the other day (from her garden). Aren't they loverly?
The crows are going absolutely crazy outside this morning. In the past, it's meant there's a raccoon around but I haven't gone out to check what the kafuffle is about. I do try to love crows equally to all birds but sometimes they push my buttons:) They don't have the prettiest "caw" in the world and just seem to hang around and get mad at everyone. Last spring I had one make a b-line for my head when I was running. I know it was protecting its' nest but hey! After that incident, I always ran by that spot with my hands waving in the air trying to look much bigger and more dangerous than my wimpy self. I'm sure the families at the nearby park got some good giggles out of that!
Today is an open book. I'm not going in to the store and had made plans to get together with a friend but her kidlets are home with colds so...hmmm...should I go see Sex and the City??? What do you think? It would feel so naughty to go to a movie in the middle of the afternoon. Not sure why. It's not like I haven't done all sorts of other crazy things of an afternoon. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Spine-y Senses are Tingling!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
You're so nice to come home to...

(this is last June but looks the same now)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday, Monday...

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thoughts on Paris...

4. Spend time by the river.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm Baaaack! Je t'aime Paris!!!

I'm off to meet up with some friends at the Reef on Main. They're in the process of closing their store across from us which makes me sad. I am happy for them to be moving on tho' - life always has lots of good things in store for us all!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
2 more sleeps!!!

If I don't get a chance to blog before I go, I will still check back for any comments so...hint, hint.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monday, Monday...

The countdown is now on for Paris so I'm packing and re-packing. The challenge? Look pretty and stylish while trying to be practical at the same time. (we will be doing a LOT of walking!)
I bought a great pair of Skechers which are a bit prettier than running shoes and are oh-so-comfy (and are my favourite colour to boot)!

Watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding last night. I forgot what a cute movie that is. Made me laugh , made me cry.
Happy beginning of the week to you...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
My spring garden!
Our back deck -