Friday, November 14, 2008

Lorna is...

watching Urban Cowboy with my honey after a yummy dinner of take-out Ashiana Indian curry and a fine bottle of Gewurztraminer.
So many fond memories - I SO wanted to be Debra Winger's "Sissy" to John Travolta's "Bud" and drink beer and two step and get a new mobile home and drive a pick-up truck...Oh - what big dreams I had:) And look at me now - I could never have dreamed such a life as this! Happy Friday to you all - and happy weekend adventures. We're off to look at houses in Gibsons tomorrow. Maybe one day we'll have our very own over there.

1 comment:

Way Out Wear said...

I don't think I've ever seen that movie.... but I did two step, boot scoot and drive a pick-me-up in ma 20s. Never met a John Travolta though....
Dinner sounds lovely, I love Gewerstraminer!
And yes, you have an amazing life - here's to many more years of success and happiness!