thanks to
cynthia for sharing this and several other ideas with me!
i'm determined that 2010 will also be my 20-zen and am prepared to do the work that it requires to bring back balance, creativity and fun to my life.
the past few months have been a struggle. i lost focus, held a LOT of fear and felt like all i wanted to do was hide under the covers. i do believe that sometimes you need to curl up under the covers and take care but for me, it's time to step forward and look at what amazing events and opportunities my future holds.
first order of fun - my new year's resolution/commitment - sing as much as possible!
i had the privilege of singing in the new year with the local hospice group on the most beautiful, wind-swept, stormy beach - honoring the memory of friends/family who have passed on with words and song. our threshold choir met to support this group with the songs we have learned and it was a beautiful experience. it was followed up in the evening by our regular, bi-monthly choir meeting last night. pure magic - so moving and healing and powerful! the force and harmony created in that room has to have an impact on the world.
i had also heard about another group that meets here on the coast regularly in a singing circle while raising funds for an african village. i met the organizer of that group last night and she invited me to attend their next gathering. my heart has been yearning for more music and also for a place to give back. i can't wait to learn more about this project and to be a part of it!
so...2010/20zen will be a year filled with music, giving back,
accessing my creativity and always taking the next step forward! and that is very exciting!!!

i bid a fond farewell to 2009 and am thankful for the gifts it brought me including travel, beautiful friends, supportive family, a wonderful new home and community, flowers in my garden, beach walks/swims/rock-gathering expeditions, music, a business that supports me and reflects my goals of celebrating all women and, of course, as always, the love of my life, my george (now in our 20th year together)!
i wish you all a happy new year!