I hope to see this...
and this...

and this...

(although a bit freaked out about swimming with these awesome creatures!)
and I'm sure a lot of other weird and wonderful things. Time has been flying by more than ever! It's mid-January every body! That's wonderful news, isn't it? Spring will be here before we know it and the Olympics will be a distant memory (not that I'm wishing time to go quickly).
On the 17th (in 2 days!) I will be starting an online creative journey through this website...http://goddessschool.ning.com/ which I hope will inspire me to explore my creative side and challenge me to jump in to some of those unknown waters (with sea lions, maybe??). 2010...here we come! It's going to be a great year filled with some twists and turns and I'm ready for the adventure!
The Galapagos Islands are the most incredible living museum of evolutionary changes, with a huge variety of exotic species (birds, land and sea animals, plants) and landscapes not seen anywhere else.
Wow sounds like a very nice vacation - good for you.
And keep us posted on how you liked the Goddess course! I bought her 2010 planner and I'm still working on it.
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